The National Art Honor Society is a visual arts based honor society that consists of members who have earned at least a 3.5 GPA in at least one semester of art.
There is also an art club within the Honor Society for students who are interested in art, but have never participated in a visual arts class.
Members participate in activities at school and around Oahu, which include volunteering monthly at the Honolulu Museum of Art, and working on mural projects around the island.
Last year, the club conducted a Health Room Beautification Project, where members cleaned, sanded, and painted the school’s health room restrooms, and painted a symbol on the wall outside the health room.
NAHS also helped with another mural at the HART Anti-Graffiti Painting Project in Pearl City.
So far this year, members painted another mural with the Hawaii Fire Department, which was featured at the Honolulu Museum of Art for a week and will be at a local fire station throughout the month of October.
Forty-eight murals are now on display at every Oahu fire station.