Sixteen-year-old Ella O’Connor, known to the world as Lorde, released an album called “Pure Heroine.” She is most known for her hit single, “Royals” which has dominated the charts.
With a hit as unique as her voice, I expected a something a little different from the songs from the top 40 on this album. As it turns out, my suspicions were entirely correct.
With 10 songs about society, victory, and fame, Lorde knows how to capture an audience with her unique lyrics and instrumentals. The sounds can be heard has eerie, but in other ways, powerful, and it makes people pay attention. In some ways, these lyrics are unique because she often says things that people wouldn’t normally say out loud. She has written/co written all of the songs on this album, with lyrics like “Maybe the internet raised us,”(World Alone) and “We don’t care/we aren’t caught up in your love affair,” (Royals) she makes her listeners think.
If you are looking for something different and a little out there, check out “Pure Heroine.”
This album includes her hit single, “Royals,” as well as “Lungs,” “White Teeth Teens” & “Tennis Court.”