In the first “Inside Out,” released in 2015, young 11 year old Riley moved to Minnesota and her emotions Anger Sadness Fear Disgust and Joy struggled to get used to their new environment in a new school.
In “Inside 2,” released in 2024, viewers got to see teenage Riley get older and get new emotions, which included Envy, Embarrassment Anxiety, and Ennui. Her old emotions struggled to get used to their new roles as Anxiety began to take the lead in Riley’s mind.
I loved the new movie because it was funny and relatable. I saw it in theaters with my younger sisters and parents. There was something for everyone. For example, viewers were able to see Riley’s parent’s perspective. They also got to see how things got more complex for Riley as she grew up. For example, her friendships and values changed.
This is a movie for the whole family! It has something for all ages. Even my little sister, who is too young to understand some of it, loved it. “Inside Out 2” has a 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and can be found on Disney Plus.