Abanto Picks Up National Award

Jordan Abanto’s (12) 16th Annual James Alegre Basketball Invitational Poster, Program Cover, and Volunteer T-Shirt entry in the 8th annual Pacific Printing Industries Association PrintROCKS Competition earned him first place. Last year, Abanto placed second with his student poster entry in the Best Print in the West category. “I believe he is the first high school student from Hawaii to win this award ever,“ Graphic Communications teacher Lane Yokoyama said.
September 4, 2015
Senior Jordan Abanto’s graphic designs have earned him national accolades.
His 16th Annual James Alegre Basketball Invitational Poster, Program Cover, and Volunteer T-Shirt design earned him first place in the 8th annual Pacific Printing Industries Association PrintROCKS Competition.
“I believe he is the first High School student from Hawaii to win this national award ever,” Graphic Communications teacher Lane Yokoyama said.
Abanto said that this was an assignment for his Graphic Communications class, so “it was a surprise to win.”
Now, his design will go on to compete on an international level, and see if it will win the Benny award. The Benny statue is a universally recognized symbol for excellence in the printing industry.
Last year, Abanto placed second with his 2014 PrintROCKS! student poster in the 2014 Best Print in the West category.
“Jordan works really hard,” Yokoyama said. “This past summer he placed fourth nationally at the SkillsUSA Nationals in Louisville, KY.”
While Abanto hasn’t decided what he wants to do post-high school, he has plans to apply to colleges on the West Coast and pursue a major in the science field. He keeps himself busy as a drum major in marching band, and playing the tuba in the concert setting, while also balancing three Advanced Placement courses.